Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS)

GWAS identifies associations between a phenotype and a genotype (Klein et al. 2005). Similar to Fst, by carrying out a GWAS with the male and female populations as two different phenotypes, it is possible to identify SNPs that are strongly or weakly associated with sex. These SNPs can be fixed, or nearly fixed, in either males or females.

This analysis requires vcftools and a combination of plink (v 1.07-x86_64; and GEMMA (v0.98.1; We tested numerous GWAS algorithms and this one performed best across the sex chromosome divergence continuum.

Filtering the vcf

We use vcftools to convert the vcf to plink format, remove indels, remove sites with >50% missing data, and sites where the minor allele frequency is less than 5% or more than 95%.

vcftools --vcf filtered_PASS_fugu_14M_13F.vcf --plink --remove-indels --max-missing 0.5 --max-maf 0.95 --maf 0.05 --out gwas_fugu

Running the GWAS

As outlined in the GEMMA manual (, the program requires input files in the plink binary format. We first run plink (as recommended) to generate these files and then supply these files to GEMMA alongside the option -lm 2 to specify a likelihood ratio test.

/home/pgrayson/programs/plink-1.07-x86_64/plink --file gwas_fugu --pheno sex_fugu_meta.txt --make-bed --out gwas_fugu_plink --noweb --allow-no-sex
~/programs/gemma-0.98.1-linux-static -bfile gwas_fugu_plink -lm 2 -o fugu_gemma_out

sex_fugu_meta.txt is included in the GitHub repository as an example file. It contains 3 tab-delimited columns that contain the sample name (repeated in column 1 and column 2) and the phenotype (1 for male, 2 for female - or vice versa). An example is below:

SRR8585991_1.fastq      SRR8585991_1.fastq      1
SRR8585992_1.fastq      SRR8585992_1.fastq      2
SRR8585993_1.fastq      SRR8585993_1.fastq      2

Analysing the output

The commands above will generate fugu_gemma_out.assoc and fugu_gemma_out.log.txt. The .assoc file contains the GWAS results, including the genome position (rs) the number of individuals that had a call (n_obs) or missing data (n_mis) at that site, the allele frequency (af), and the p-value for the likelihood ratio test (p_lrt). This file can be searched and parsed to identify the top candidates from this analysis.